Introducing Two New Courses from Shaping Change

Do you dread it when you hear your boss or co-workers talking about a brilliant new idea for the business? Is your automatic reaction to a discussion about a new project "but we've barely made it through the last change! What's wrong with the current process/system/structure?"

We can help make change easier for you

Haven't signed up for the FREE change course yet?

We’re offering a free Thriving in the Midst of Change audio course, which is a great primer for this material – if you haven’t done our change courses before. If you haven’t signed up already, get access today!

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Watch a brief introduction from Ros Cardinal

- Thriving in Change


- Transitions and Transformations

Change can be stressful, but you don’t have to let it wreak havoc on your life. The sooner you embrace the inevitable changes that occur in life, the sooner you can start seeing the opportunities held within change, and begin thriving on EVERY level.

In Thriving in Change, you’ll learn about:

  • Your Reaction to Change

    Explore how you commonly react to change in your life.

  • The Importance of Change

    Realise why change is so necessary to your life.

  • Seeing Change Differently

    Even though the experience of change can be quite difficult, the results of change are often extremely positive once you shift your mindset

  • Accepting Change

    Change has the power to show us just how possible it is for you to have a richer, vastly more fulfilling life…if you can accept it


In Transitions and Transformations, you'll develop a personal action plan for dealing with change as you learn about:

  • Change and our reactions to change

    Understand why change is so impactful and how we commonly react to it.

  • Understanding the change process

    Unpack the emotions of change and the drivers of our behaviour during change. Learn emotional intelligence skills to move through transitions effectively.

  • Opportunities in change

    Learn to see the bright side of change and how to train yourself to look at change through a new lens

  • Building resilience

    Learn the 4 keys to resilience, as well as tips and techniques for becoming more resilient to change and transition


You'll also discover...

  • How to reshape your perspectives to better handle change.
  • Secret tricks to transform internal chaos into motivational inspiration.
  • How to embrace new changes and challenges, and use them to your advantage.
  • Winning strategies to STOP RESISTING change and flow with grace and ease.
  • How to INSTANTLY adopt new perspectives that give you the upper-hand in any situation.
  • And much more!

With these in-depth programs, you’ll be armed and equipped with everything you need to face change fearlessly and preserve your peace of mind!

Don’t spend any more time feeding stress and anxiety because of your resistance to change. Learn how to manage change effortlessly and start taking back the reins in your life.

Choose from one of the flexible options below:

30 day money back guarantee

All purchases come with a 100% guarantee – so they are risk free for you. If you decide that this program is not for you, notify us within 30 days of signing up for the program and we will give you a full refund of the course price.

Licensing for Business

If you would like to discuss multi-user licences, please email us:

The other things you might want to know

  • q-iconHow long will I have access to the content?

    You will have ongoing access for as long as the product is offered. If the decision is made to discontinue this product, you will be notified and given the opportunity to download the content.

  • q-iconCan I share the program with my team or my family?

    You are purchasing a single user licence for our program. If you want to share the benefits with others, we would love to have them join us and receive their own unique login and password. Although it can be tempting, it is considered stealing if you let other people use your login details.

  • q-iconAre these programs suitable for people going through organisational change, or personal change?

    Thriving in Change is designed for all types of change. Transitions and Transformations is designed for people experiencing organisational change, but the majority of the content is applicable to any change experience. You can certainly apply the learnings from the program to life changes as well as changes at work.

  • q-iconDo I need to be going through a change right now to benefit from these programs?

    No. I have run Transitions and Transformations many times as a live program. One of the things participants often tell me is while they got an enormous benefit from the program, they would like to have done it BEFORE they experienced change as they would have been better equipped to cope. Regardless of timing – if you are in change, getting ready for change, or just want more tools to support you in life, these programs will help you.

Do you have a question that wasn't covered here?
Is there anything else you would like to know about the training before you buy?
Feel free to contact us at: with any further questions!