Module One – Your Reaction to Change
Welcome to the coaching program on Thriving in Change
Change can be stressful, but you don’t have to let it wreak havoc on your life. With a simple shift in perspective and some change management strategies, you will start seeing the opportunities held within change, and begin thriving on EVERY level.
In this program you will specifically explore:
- Your Reaction to Change – You will explore how people commonly react to change.
- The Process of Change – You will discover why change is actually quite necessary.
- Seeing Change Differently – Even though the experience of change can be difficult, it can still be looked at in a positive way.
- Accepting Change – Change can actually bring you a richer, more fulfilling life if you can learn to embrace and accept it.
Your journey begins with Module #1 and your reaction to change.
How do you react when change happens to you?
If you are like most people, your reaction might be one of anger, confusion, or even sadness. Even if it is a positive, anticipated change, there is often some uncertainty that comes along with it. These reactions are perfectly normal and to be expected.
So let’s take a few minutes to explore the ways in which you view change.
- Activity sheet 1
Download and print out the worksheet - "Pick a card".
Review the statements listed on the worksheet and select the one that resonates the most with you.
Answer the question, then return to this module.”
Change can bring up all kinds of emotions. Sometimes it can feel like a fierce storm barreling down upon us, and can create fear, anxiety, worry or anticipation. Sometimes it’s a wave of excitement, but it can still create uncertainty and fear of the unknown.
It’s no wonder then that we put so much effort towards maintaining the status quo of our lives; after all, we know how the status quo feels – it feels familiar and safe.
Change can feel scary, and because of that, a lot of people resist it. Even if change promises something new, we can still feel its uncertainty, which makes us fearful. After all, we are creatures of habit. Let’s do an exercise to illustrate this point.
- Put down anything you are holding and fold your arms.
- Take notice of how you folded your arms. Did you fold your arms right over left or left over right?
- Notice how comfortable and natural it feels the way you automatically folded your arms.
- Now, fold your arms the opposite way. So if, for example, you put your left arm on the top, swap it so your right arm is now on top.
- Rest like this for a few moments.
- How does this new way of folding your arms feel?
- What is your natural instinct telling you to do with the awkwardness you are feeling?
“This brief activity demonstrates how change can feel to us. And that’s an important point to remember: we feel change.
Simply put, change feels uncomfortable, unusual and different. So it is natural to want what’s comfortable and familiar instead. But no matter how much you may feel like resisting change, it’s still going to happen. That means you must be prepared to handle it.
So if change is going to happen whether we like it or not, perhaps we can learn to accept its importance. Let’s explore this importance and see if we can better appreciate the necessity of change in our lives.”