Sovereign Women™ Leader Archetypes


For each statement give yourself a score as follows:

0: Not like me

1: Like me rarely

2: Like me sometimes

3: Like me quite often

4: Like me most of the time

5: Like me always

Sets and achieves big goals.
Motivated and energised by relationships.
High alignment to values and purpose.
Rewards growth and learning.
Excellent communicator.
Overcomes obstacles and difficulties with determination and strength.
Is a trusted mentor to others.
Thrives in change.
Makes others feel important and valued.
Prepared to take risks to achieve.
Source of wise counsel, cuts through complexity to elegant solutions.
Builds tribes and community.
Unconcerned with others opinions of her.
Motivated and energised by achievement.
Stretches people to uncover their potential.
Independent thinker, highly conceptual and strategic.
Initiates and nurtures relationships.
Surrounds herself with other highly competent people.
Asks deeply insightful questions.
Motivated and energised by autonomy and influence
Compassionate and empathetic, without judgement.
Effortlessly navigates organisational politics, and influences highly effectively.
Extraordinary listener, hears the unspoken.
Translates strategy into focussed action.
Creates a sense of belonging and a safe space for others.
Courageous in decisions.
Motivated and energised by knowledge.
Inner strength and confidence in her ability.
Demonstrates warmth and sincerity.
Enjoys life to the full in her own way.
Leads by example.
Focusses on developing others.

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